"The future depends on what you do today" Mahatma Gandhi

Pope Francis: Sacred Scripture:
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2021: Year B:
Sacred Sunday January 31:
Saturday January 30:
JMC: Part of the fascination to be found in peaceful, holiday times
spent visiting other countries, unable to speak the same language,
often the first predicament, can be very funny indeed ...
Adult Education and Training in Europe: Programmes to Raise ...
by D Kocanova · 2015 — Adult Education and Training in Europe:
Programmes to Raise Achievement in Basic Skills. Country Descriptions. Eurydice Report. Kocanova, Daniela.
Friday January 29:
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Eurydice_Network
The Eurydice Network is the Education Information Network in Europe.
It consists of a ... Since 2014, the network consists of 40 national units
based in all 36 countries participating in the ... Eurypedia, the European
Encyclopediaon national Education Systems and other national descriptions
– e.g. Structures of Education and ...
Thursday January 28:
Wednesday January 27:
JMC: The Holy Bible: Introduction to Acts Page 1795-6. “The objectivity of Acts
would not be put forward by any exegete today, if only because the date it suggests
is far to late. To what extent however, is Acts a piece of special pleading?
To what extent does it twist the facts that it records? Was Luke’s purpose
in writing Acts to present a portrait of Paul that would convince the Roman
authorities that Paul was not a political criminal? This is certainly one aspect
of Acts but not the only one, and in any case, such a portrait of Paul need not
necessarily be tendentious. The two things he stresses are the exclusively
religious nature of Paul’s battle with the Jews, and Paul’s loyalty
authorities. However, as has been said, Luke was not merely interested in giving
a portrait of Paul to serve as evidence for the Roman courts; what he aimed at
was to write the history of the beginnings of Christianity.”
JMC: Saints, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Acts and Romans Follow On.
Paul, was not one of the original 12 apostles chosen by Jesus, he was
converted by Jesus personally and thereafter chosen by Jesus, to be an
apostle. He was selected sometime after the Christian congregation had
been formed. The biblical narrative in Chapter 1 of the Acts of the Apostles.
describes a meal at which Jesus commands the disciples to await the
coming of the Holy Spirit. After Jesus death and resurrection, he stayed
on earth for 40 days.
Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,

Presented by Jo Coburn:
Week Monday January 25 to Sunday January 31:
JMC: Coronavirus Covid- 19 Global Vaccination Procedures.
Poor Countries:
No Mans Land: People Dumped Like Rubbish.
Rich Countries:
Government Inequality:
Government Austerity burdened on the poor helps no one.

True Context:
Sacred Sunday January 31, 2021:
Wednesday January 20.
JMC: The last few hours of Donald and Melania Trump’s Presidency. Quote
“This is a very tender time, our journey has only just begun …..”
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The Trump Effect: How He Changed America
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Trump’s reported list of pardons condemned by US
late-night hosts:
‘It’s a Pardonpalooza’
Trump’s reported list of pardons condemned by US late-night hosts: ‘It’s a Pardonpalooza’ (msn.com)
JMC: Global Working People - Tax Payers’ Bills:
This Turfcall Website is Colour Coded:
Red for Bloodhorse Literate Mindsets.
Blue for Bloodhorse Illiterate Mindsets.
Extinction: The Facts:
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JMC: UK’s Fishing Industry:
Recently brought to UK Tory government’s attention in London,
huge lorry loads of dead shellfish waisted, rotting fish smell.
did UK government dump all these loads of dead fish?
2. What action have UK government taken to ensure nothing
like this ever happens again?
3. What financial reimbursement have UK government awarded
all Fishermen
IRE, USA, UK, and Other Musicians Live Aid
Feed the
Musicians traveling expenses- problems created by
UK-Brexit Tory government. When will this be sorted?
Cruel Global People Dumps:
Morning brief:
UK Government objection.
Ambassador: João Vale de Almeida
Europa House, 32 Smith Square. London Wikipedia
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Pope Francis: Sacred Scripture:
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 24, 2021: Year B:
Meditation Of The Day
Fishers of Men
Inasmuch as I advance,
sustained by God, in the way that he has indicated
for me, my duty is increasingly clear to me.
It is important not to lose myself
in unrealisable plans and projects, not to live in the future, but patiently to turn
thought into
action, good will into determination. I have much conversation and
discussion with some
dear friends, who do not believe …. There is a veil between
them and God, a veil that allows only a few
rays of love and beauty through. Only
with a divine gesture, may part this veil, and then the true life shall begin
for them.
And I, who am worth so little, believe in the
power of prayers that I
unceasingly offer them. I believe in prayer
because God exists, and because he is
the Father. I believe in this mysterious reality that we
call the communion of
saints. I know that no cry, no desire, no
yearning of our inmost depths is lost, but
go to God and through him to those who inspired us to pray. I know that only
God effects our intimate transformation and
that we can only point out to him
we love, saying, “God, make them live” … Christianity alone addresses the
individual, that which is most interior; it
only penetrates to our depths and is
able to renew us. All Christians are obliged
to be concerned about this crisis
through which we are passing. This will perhaps change us profoundly. New
needs require new apostles. The people-the
masses, the majority of the country,
workers, peasants, and humble labourers of every kind- need to be shown
true source of all freedom, justice, and real transformation. If we do not
God known to them, we shall have failed in our most important obligation.
this is a work that demands self-forgetfulness, disinterestedness, a steady
determination for which we need God and for which we must completely
transform ourselves.
Servant of God
Elizabeth Leseur
Elizabeth Leseur ( 1914) was a married French laywoman,
whose cause
en.wikipedia.org › wiki ›
The cause for the beatification of Elisabeth Leseur was started in 1934.
Her current status in the process is that of a Servant of God. Contents. 1 ...
Died: 3 May 1914 (aged 47); Paris, France
Venerated in: Roman Catholic Church
Major shrine: Cimetiere de Montmartre, Paris, ...
Feast: 3 May
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 17, 2021: Year B:
JMC; People need to be in the right place mentally in the here and now,
of their own lifes journey.
Praying for Alexei Navalny
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Alexei Navalny: EU and US demand release of poisoned ...
Sacred Sunday The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2021: Year B (1):

JMC: The last few hours of Donald and Melania Trump’s Presidency. Quote
“This is a very tender time, our journey has only just begun …..”
JMC: Global Working People - Tax Payers’ Bills:
Web results
JMC: The last few hours of Donald and Melania Trump’s Presidency. Quote
“This is a very tender time, our journey has only just begun …..”
Including results for Musicians Open Letter to UK government
Search only for Musitiand Open Letter to UK government
All costs met by Tax Payers Money:
These dark age male arrangement ignore the people, why?
UK: Path 1, Step 1
UK: In the Reality
Stakes, as
seen through the eyes of Boris Johnson
what are his first 6 key
priorities from the outset?
UK: In
the Reality Stakes, as seen through the eyes
of Theresa May
where her first 6 key priorities from the outset?
UK: In
the Reality Stakes, as seen through the eyes
of David Cameron
what where his first 6 key priorities from the outset?
All costs met by Tax Payers Money:
These dark age male arrangement ignore the people, why?
UK: Path 1, Step 1
USA: In the Presidency Reality Stakes, as seen through the eyes of Joe
Biden, what are his first 6 key
priorities from the outset 2021?
USA: In the Presidency Reality Stakes, as seen through the eyes of
USA: In the
Presidency Reality Stakes, as seen through the
eyes of
Barack Obama, what
were his first 6 key priorities from the outset?
America Changed During Barack Obama's Presidency ...
www.pewresearch.org ›
... › Social Media
10 Jan 2017 — Barack Obama campaigned for the U.S. presidency on a
platform of change. ... The election of the nation's first black president
hopes that race
high-profile deaths of black ...
including in Russia and key Muslim nations.

JC: Help for Self Employed, symbolic
vote last night …
JC: Universal Credit should benefits
increase be extended?
JC: Should benefits boost be permanent?
JC: Covid …..
JC: Trade deals genocide amendment …
JC: How should the UK deal with
JC: Who investigating Coronavirus
JC: President Trump’s last day in
JC: Is Covid support discriminatory?
JC: Discrimination against women ....
JO: Coburn Presents –
JC: Vaccinations
begin for over 70’s
JC: Coronavirus
vaccination program
JC: JMC: Universal
Credit Vote in Commons
JC: Vote
on increased Welfare Payments
JC: Should
Welfare increase be permanent?
JC: Economic
support during pandemic
JC: Joe
Biden inauguration this week
JC: Joe
Biden inauguration this Wednesday
JMC: UK Nationwide Local County Councils:
P45’s Wage Structures:
Taxpayer Ladder: No Housing:
Universal Credit Vote in Commons: This bureaucratic government theory
“Universal Credit” may well suit the authorities, but it is not popular, or
working out in practice with the people. This whole area of government
theory within their Tax Ladder.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki ›
Tax ladder is a term sometimes
used to refer to the formula for calculating a taxpayer's tax liability
in a given year for United States federal personal income tax ...
Something does not ring true here …
No reasonable workers housing available, left ongoing over the last 8
decades. It was noted that Michael Portillo MP stopped following his
political career, after he explored the way other people were left to
work, live, or die as the case may work out to be.
JC: Joe Bidens Book
Ads·See Joe Bidens book
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Guest: Caroline Lucus MP
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JMC: The last few hours of Donald and Melania Trump’s Presidency. Quote
“This is a very tender time, our journey has only just begun …..”
Remembering Christmas 2020:
#OHolyNight #IlDivo #Christmas
Il Divo - O Holy Night (In Mérida)
•19 Aug 2014
The Beatles - Let it be

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