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UK: Conservative Party Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Economy Speech:
UK coronavirus LIVE: Boris Johnson unveils post-lockdown recovery plan in major speech as Leicester lockdown tightens ...
Mark Sedwill: Cabinet secretary and top civil servant to
step ... › News › UK › UK Politics
2 days ago - Mark Sedwill: Cabinet secretary and top civil servant to step down in September
Pre-Monday June 29:
PMQ: Cross Party: PMQ: BBC2 Live:
Sir Keir Starmer Labour Leader, receives a hostile response from
Tory PM Boris Johnson: Johnson's attitude is not acceptable:
His attitude is nothing to do with Cross Party government:
JMC: UK Tax- Payers are not getting confirmation as to how their
hard earned cash taken in Tax, is being spent or frittered away:

Search Results
Search Results
China's National Security Law for Hong Kong, Explained -
The ... › World › Asia Pacific
12 hours
ago - Harsh
Penalties, Vaguely Defined Crimes: Hong Kong's
Law Explained. The legislation grants
Beijing broad powers to
crack down
on a ...
Tuesday June 30:
Boris Johnson's speech: What time is the PM's 'new deal ... ›
8 hours
ago - Session ID: 2020-06-30:c52d4723f9f550a5f57bbd2c
Element ID: ... How can I watch Boris Johnson's speech live?
You can watch his ...
#borisjohnsonspeech FFS 3
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Twitter results
Web results
Hunt is on to trace 300 workers from food factory that supplies
Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda after 166 staff tested positive for
· More than 1,000 people work on site at Rowan Foods in Wrexham, North
· The food processing site wants to find 300 people who have not been
· Staff walked out over concerns there was a lack of protection concerns
in April
PUBLISHED: 07:06, 29
June 2020 | UPDATED: 07:25,
29 June 2020
NS: Boris Johnson PM: Massive building spree to be published
tomorrow Tuesday June 30:
NS: England’s school building program:

Search Results
UK: NS: JMC: Re- Governments Coronavirus Covid – 19 Test – Trace – Form to date?
Out of touch with the true reality, not able to perform up with the pace ……. ….
Either at the start of this Global Coronavirus Outbreak Attack’ or now same with
their Track and Trace Program ...... It is believed to be going on same within Tory
Nationwide County Councils, and the Nationwide Working People Pay Structures,
also involving the Inland Revenue Tax Deductions System. Left ongoing over the last
8 decades, causing cruel financial consiquences to billions of working people:
BBC Weather: Our Carol warns of heavy rain & thunderstorms:
Monday June 29:
lockdown: Restrictions could be extended for two weeks
Confirmed deaths top three countries:
Between 100,000 and 10,000 deaths: USA - Brazil - UK:
Coronavirus: Riskiest countries in the world during the pandemic › Travel › Travel News
20 Apr 2020 - The “COVID-19 Risk Ranking Framework” ranks countries
• Coronavirus cases worldwide by country | Statista › Health & Pharmaceuticals › State of Health
The number of COVID-19 cases worldwide has surpassed 9.5 million.
The United ... Global Business City rankings and key figures on cities ·
Brand Reports.
(COVID-19) · Coronavirus
(COVID-19) tests ... · (COVID-19) in
dates and schedule of classic tennis content on the BBC -
from Andy Murray Greatest Hits weekend to historic
2020 is only the
third time The Championships have been called off – the last postponement was
caused by the Second World War.

Search Results
Twitter results
Judy Murray on Wimbledon 2020 on Twitter

Victoria Derbyshire - Episode ...
All episodes of Victoria Derbyshire.

Re- Governments Coronavirus Covid – 19 Test
– Trace – Form to date?
Out of
touch with the true reality, not able to perform up with the pace ……. ….
Either at the start of this Global
Coronavirus Outbreak Attack’ or now same with
their Track and Trace Program ...... It is believed to be going on same within Tory
County Councils, and the Nationwide Working People Pay Structures,
also involving the Inland Revenue Tax Deductions System. Left ongoing over the last
8 decades, causing cruel financial consiquences to billions of working people:
norman smith on Twitter: "To be clear...the latest
@ons figures ... › bbcnormans › status
26 Apr
2020 - We need to move forward in a way that
recognises and protects
those of us who are most vulnerable. The
Government needs a way to do that ...
UK's coronavirus furlough scheme, explained | WIRED UK › article › uk-furlough-scheme-job-protection
14 hours
ago - Through this scheme,
the government will
pay up to 80 per cent
of people's wages, up to a maximum of £2,500
per month. Anyone working
in a ... The UK's porn block explained · The UK's coronavirus delay ..
NS: Boris Johnson PM: Massive building spree to be published tomorrow Tuesday June 30:
NS: England’s school building program

Guest Laura Kuenssberg:
UK: Tory Party Male Political/Legal/Theory:
for all peoples is not being shown in the male House of Commons London:
The attitude therein as televised, show no respect for human beings or
the job
in hand in any way whatsoever; likened to a wackie Punch and Judy Show:
a waist of everones time and everyones money. The state the world is in now is
no joke to encourage and allow such flippant attitudes as these in this place,
is a crime against the people . Sir Keir Starmer’s questions-suggestions to PM
are all key issues, presented in an honest decent way, deserving same answers
back, honest answers and honest and decent considerations to debate for
the benefit of all life on earth. Respect for Sir Keir Starmer and what
he has to say and the ideas he has to offer are vital to finding the best
way forward for everyone, absolutely key to all life on earth at this time:
Cross - Party? - Decent Rules? - Where are these Cross Party Rules?
Politicians who cheat the people in this way need immediate dissmissal:

- latest news, breaking stories and comment - The ... › topic › stabbing Reading
Prevention is Better than Cure:
JMC: A human
being’s mindset:
Not Cure:
Punishment Structures: Age Groups: In Schools: In Career structuring:
Mental - Emotional - Anxiety:
From Birth
to 5 Years olds:
From 6
years to 10 years:
From 11
years to 17 year olds:
From 18
year olds to 22 years old:
From 23
year olds to 27 years old:
From 28
years to 32 years old:
From 33
years old to 38 year olds:
From 39
years old to 45 year olds:
there is termed to be a Male Legal Justice (In Theory) System:
JMC: "Cross - Party? To define what this actually means?
How do "UK People" translate "Cross - Party?"
How does "The Rest of the World All People" translate "Cross - Party?"
How does Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson translate "Cross - Party?"
How does Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer translate"Cross - Party?"
JMC: Defines "UK Cross-Party" to mean all MP's from Any and All Parties:
"Cross - Party" should be translated to mean "Acting on behalf of All
Peoples Worldwide: "
EU citizens living in another Member State - statistical
overview › eurostat › statistics-explained › index.php › EU_citizen...
EU mobile citizens of working age (20-64) by country of citizenship, % of their ... in another EU country; work there without needing a work permit; reside there
to employment, working conditions and all other social and tax advantages ..... But
how many EU
citizens take advantage of this right, and reside and work in another ...
EU immigration to the UK - Full Fact › immigration › eu-migration-and-uk
18 Mar
2019 - Around 3.7 million people living in
the UK in
2018 were
of another EU country. That's about 6% of the UK
these ...